Kinsella, Eileen, "Roy Fowler, 'New Wave' at Fort Gansevoort", Artnet News, November 21, 2016

Gallery owner Adam Shopkorn was first introduced to the artist’s work by his good friend, artist Mary Heilmann, who has one of Fowler’s paintings hanging in her home in Bridgehampton on Eastern Long Island.
Shopkorn, who described the work as “mesmerizing,” immediately invited Fowler to show at the beautiful three-story historic townhouse that was home to an upscale restaurant a few years ago. The artist himself was born in Santa Barbara, but moved to New York in 1976. In this new series, the color and structure of the imagery reflect the artist’s interest in breaking down a wave. Having been a lifelong surfer since the age of 8, he talks about how surfing magazines were a huge source of inspiration for him. “I thought maybe I could get some of that excitement in a painting as well,” he said in a statement.
Location: 5 Ninth Avenue, New York NY 10014
Price: Free
Time: Tuesday–Saturday, 11:00 a.m. –6:00 p.m.
—Eileen Kinsella